January Goddess: Eve

January Goddess: Eve
Jan 22, 2010

We will be honoring and dispelling some myths surrounding our mother Eve. Pathworking with the Goddesses is a powerful exercise in exploration and requires an open-hearted desire to truly come to know more about ourselves at the deepest levels; body, mind and soul. We must be unafraid to question and discover once hidden truths. For Eve is all grown up now and so are we!

Save the date as this circle will reveal a great deal about the mystery of woman.

The woman within us all is burgeoning to come forward once again. As we have been ever seeking to become more whole brained functioning, the divine masculine and the divine feminine archetypes and energies are becoming increasingly understood.

We now know that knowledge without wisdom and understanding is useless at best and can be downright damaging to the delicate, etheric and sometimes fragile symbols of the psyche that houses our deepest and highest creative, prodigal forces.

Take away any and all sexism. Understand with the wisdom of the ages that Eve is that part of us as the Master Mind, the Oversoul of humanity, the Living God that chose to mature and growup to experience the knowledge of good and evil. We did this in our decision to seek the becoming of creators Gods and Goddesses in our own right. Creator Gods become omnipotent because they BECOME that which they seek. They do this because they understand how to source creation. They know they are not the source, but through divine intelligence they know how to connect and stay connected. They understand the power of the aggregate, the multi-dimensional beings that inhabit the cosmos. In short they understand the power of TEAM.

Adam, representing the divine masculine force, that part of us that seeks to be free quickly and easily followed Eve's lead. Both of them, our first human mother and father, dropping bread crumbs along the way for us to remember (as we so easily do) in the very right brained activity of STORY. It matters not at all what actually happens in the phyhsical, what matters is that we remember the path. And when you fully understand how manifestation works, we then know that once something is set in motion with intention and surrender, that it is all but impossible to stop it from manifesting.

Humanity chose to leave the Garden of Eden. Eve, that part of us that houses our subconscious, the part of us that holds our beliefs, the container of our psyche our soul and all we hold dear, as well as all that we fear drives that train. She ever seeks to create and be a vessel, a container with which to house that magical, fantastical, sparkling and quicksilver divine masculine energy. This is why masculine energy unbounded always leaves. It must. If it cannot be contained, then God cannot experience itself and be the cause of joy to others...only itself. But that is only an illusion, because there is no true joy from only causing joy to the self, when compared with experiencing the bliss of the diversity of God's free will manifested in the here and now.

Eve allowed us to leave the oneness temporarily and to go under the veil, so that we could individuate in the womb of mother earth and set about remembering who we are and becoming something born of the synergy of spirit and Spirit... Something as limitless and eternal as what we sprang forth from.

When we realized that we were separate we became self conscious. It is this very self consciousness, even with all the pain that this wrought that we become Self conscious. That is aware of the Higher Self, the part of us that is hidden to the physical eye. But as this painful self consciousness plays out, it ultimately breaks us open to a more complete knowledge of who and what we really are.

Now we are not under any delusions that we, our individuated self is all that there is. We alchemically transform this individuated self into the limitless being of Light that seeks to manifest in the physical. The booster rockets fall away and we take flight.

This is the gift of the woman within...Mother Eve.

Eve says....
Stand in the mirror and look upon my face. Stare into my left eye and you will encounter me. I am within you and I am the container for all that you can become and create and imagine.

Do not fear the woman within. Do not fear the man within. We are divine forces, opposing in our nature, but complimentary in our bliss. When you heal your relationship with the sexes you will heal your relationship with we who reside within. Or you can heal your relationships from within.
Talk to us, speak your heart. Look us in the eye. As you can see I cannot speak of one without the other. It is not possible, for we are one now.

The Christed One said that when the two become one then you will be as Gods. Whenever two or three or more are gathered together there is God. Let me remind you that there are two within you, and possibly three if you are inspirited with consciousness. Wherever you are there is God.

But we cannot look on God's face directly. Do you know what that means? Think about it. What is the only face in the world that you cannot look directly upon? It is your own!!!! Your own face is the only one you cannot gaze directly upon. Your own eyes must be reflected in a mirror....that is until you can see each other as God. When you can see the divinity within all that is, then you may direct your gaze at any moment in time.

When you invoke the silent witness, the Higher Self you may begin the relationship of the ages. This is the doorway to Divine Union. For within you is a divine template of man and woman, housed within your one body. No matter what your sexual orientation or preference, it matters not, there is nevertheless these forces within you. And they are seeking to be made known, to you and to this world.

The Lovers are within your heart, laying dormant and active within your psyche, your soul. When you heal your heart, you bring the lovers together. When you heal your psyche you activate the power to bring them into the physical in joyful creative expression.

Pure sexuality, divine sacred love, twin flame union, the divine compliment are the outpicturing of such an inward occurance. This reunion of Adam and Eve, the divine feminine and masculine back into the Garden of Eden is what our souls are driven to. The Middle Pillar up the Tree of Life, with the knowledge of good and evil and the transmutation this knowledge brings us the pathway to this ecstatic marriage. It brings us to Shamballa, to perfection, where perfection means wholeness. It brings us to Heaven on Earth.

I bring you a luscious, sweet, red, delicious apple. Isn't it lovely? Will you bite into it? Will you bite into life? The choice has already been made. To rebel against this and to remain a child only brings immense suffering. Yet it is this very suffering that invokes the archetypes within that mix and mingle and counterbalance to create the synergy of all that you will become....the Divine Human, the Shaman/Healer, the Boddhisattva, the Savior, the Devotee, Prophet, Oracle, the Priest, and the Prodigy: A Being of Light.

Yes, you might be mad at me for causing us to grow up, but it is only because you may not yet know what we are and what we are becoming. Our maker made us in perfection, with a love so perfect, so complete that we can scarcely comprehend it. Think on your love for your own child and you may have an inkling. Know this, Trust this and Allow the Light to move you forward to your destiny.

The Garden didn't leave...you did. Now return from whence you came.

Eve's Affirmations
I release all shame that unecessarily binds me and honor that which guides me.
I allow myself to be one with the divine masculine and feminine within me.
I acknowledge and embrace the divine feminine force within me that made the choice to create something new.
I see and honor the woman within.
I see and honor the man within.
I allow myself to experience life with gusto.
I relish life and receive abundance of all things needful, both spiritual and material.
I love life and life loves me.
The Universe is conspiring on my behalf.
I seek to know myself.
I see the presence of God in the eyes of the world.
I bite into life and seek to have a full experience of all that is.
I seek divine, intimate union with God and Goddess.
I am open to creating beauty through the expression of my soul through the eyes of my Higher Self.
I am an advocate for my Higher Self and my Soul.
I feed my soul the food of the Gods: love, light, beauty, joy, tranquility and mystery.
I am the embodiment of Adam and Eve.
The divine feminine creator lives within me.
I am one with Mother Earth and Father Sky.
I return to the Garden of Eden as a prodigal son returns with new eyes.

December Goddess: The Madonna

December Goddess: The Madonna/Mother Mary
December 18th

Join us as we celebrate the holi-day season and the winter solstice with the honoring of The Madonna.

The process of purification is seldom easy, but this is the great work required in all mystery schools, which Mary had long since accomplished beyond that attained by the many. For she had come as all persons do, through many lifetimes of sorrow, hardship, work, play and experience, but had been able to arrive at a greater place within her true Self. That is, she had received God-Realization.

Mary, or Mare, is interpreted by the Spanish as "The Star of the Sea." Esoterically, the sea is the desire nature, and the star is the spirit which rises above the lower nature, even as Grecian mythology portrays Venus, the goddess of love, rising star- crowned from the sea, being symbolical of the separation of love from passion.

Many interpretations have been given the name Mary, so common to women in the gospels, never used before in the Scriptures unless it is a diminutive of the Hebrew Miryam, the sister of Moses. The meaning of Mary is sometimes given as "bitter," sometimes "exalted of the Lord," but the most simply correct is said to be "My Lady." Indeed, that sounds most like her -- Madonna, as one who was high-born and blessed.

The Firstborn of God should open the womb from within outward, having been conceived on the inner realm. It could not receive seed from the outside to be built upon and then emerge again having an earth foundation. The seed was received and developed inside to show that the Christ can only be born within us, and cannot enter from without to be born.

God took a rib from Adam's side to make woman, who became imperfect; then He brought forth from the perfected woman's womb a perfect man. Having first created man alone, at Creation's dawn, God now worked with woman alone, with Mary, (though He eventually gave to each a partner). From the substance of her body was fashioned the mold which would receive the Spirit of the Son.

Mother Mary - Madonna
No other woman in the world reveals the truth as deeply and dramatically as the Virgin Mary for the template of how to be in the world, but not of it. She is so profoundly inextricably tied to the raising of the Messiah that it is all but impossible to think of one without the other. This is by design.

Madonna says...
I am the embodiment of the purest essence of the divine mother that resides within each of you. Within your heart and soul there is a woman, a mother, a perfect mother who has never left you and can never leave you. You have only to call for her and to receive her blessings, her love and her nurturing.

Inside of each of you is the babe, the orphaned child, born apparently and physically fatherless. And in order for you to find your father, you must first allow your mother's embrace to comfort and protect you. She loves you so much. I, says the Madonna, am the eternal emblem for the almighty power of mother and child. My child, my fatherless child, raised the Messiah within and reached the crowning achievement of ascended consciousness and re-united with his heavenly father.

This is your template. This is your design. You and he are one and the same. He showed the way, now you must follow. You must not be afraid, for I am here. Please accept my loving embrace. Do not allow the hurt you have experienced at the hands of impure hearts, including your own, to affect your ability to connect with me. I am your salvation. I am the one who can lead you to the Messiah, to the one within who is your savior.

The savior is you. He sits in the middle of your body, in your solar plexis at the seat of your soul and he guides you endlessly with radiant light, raw instinct, ancient memories and divine purpose. The christ consciousness must be allowed to infiltrate your entire body. You must allow it to move from your head, down into your heart.This is what will bring you to the place of divinely guided action. This is what will bring you to your absolute genius and help you deliver your gift to the world.

I am your blessed mother. I purified and purified my being to bring the Savior into the physical. My vessel is not unclean, my energy is clear, my conscience is intact. I do not wallow in denial. My body is a powerful channel for divine love. My body is your body.

We are all one. All of us are within you, moving through you, moving you. We are the unseen forces at work bringing you to your ultimate purpose, your ultimate salvation.

Your mother loves you. You father is waiting for you to recognize him. He sits within you, brilliant and blazing. She cups Her hands and shields you from his fiery countenance, so that one day, when you are ready, you will be strong enough to turn you gaze on the brilliance of the unknowable, unfathomable magnificence of all that you are. The Trinity is within thee.

Shine my star, shine!

Madonna Affirmations

I am the mother and the mother is in me.
Women are kind. I am kind.
I see the divine mother and call to her to be with me.
I allow myself to experience the pleasure of beauty and truth.
I activate the Savior within.
I carry the imprint of the Messiah within my blood, bones and breath.
The mother and the father and I are one.
I am that I am.
All that I am, you are.
I am a healer of the earth.
I nurture and care for my body, mind and soul.
I allow my heart to open and expand into divine love.
I receive agape now.
I am filled with the love and light of our creator.
I am my brother's keeper.
I am the greatest realization of my Father.
I work for the greater good of all humanity.